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  1. Oka K, Hirasaki E, Hirokawa Y, Nakano Y, Kumakura H. (2010) Three-dimensional motion analysis of hindlimb during brachiation in a white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 650-654.
  2. Hirasaki E, Higurashi Y, Kumakura H. (2010) Dynamic plantar pressure distribution during locomotion in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 149-156.
  3. Hirasaki E, Kumakura H. (2010) Functional axis of the foot in primates estimated using the distribution of plantar muscles. International Journal of Primatology 31: 239-261.
  4. Higurashi Y, Hirasaki E, Kumakura H. (2010) Palmar and plantar pressure while walking on a horizontal ladder and single pole in Macaca fuscata. International Journal of Primatology 31: 181-190.


  1. Higurashi Y, Hirasaki E, Kumakura H. (2009) Gaits of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on a horizontal ladder and arboreal stability. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 448-457.
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  1. Nakano Y, Hirasaki E, Kumakura H. (2006) Patterns of vertical climbing in primates. In: Ishida et al. (eds.) Human Origins and Environmental Backgrounds pp. 97-104.
  2. Hirasaki E, Ogihara N, Nakatsukasa M. (2006) Primates trained for bipedal locomotion as a model for studying the evolution of bipedal locomotion. In: Ishida et al. (eds.) Human Origins and Environmental Backgrounds pp. 149-155.
  3. Higurashi Y, Taniguchi Y, Kumakura H. (2006) Density of muscle spindles in prosimian shoulder muscles reflects locomotor adaptation. Cells Tissues Organs 184: 96-101.
  4. 吉田有希・熊倉博雄 (2006) 原猿の膝関節可動域について. 形態科学 9: 53-58.


  1. Hirasaki E, Ogihara N, Hamada Y, Kumakura H, Nakatsukasa M. (2004) Do highly trained monkeys walk like humans? A kinematic study of bipedal locomotion in bipedally trained Japanese macaques. Journal of Human Evolution 46: 739-750.
  2. Hirasaki E, Kumakura H. (2004) Head movements during locomotion in a gibbon and Japanese macaques. Neuroreport 15: 643-647.
  3. 平崎鋭矢 (2004) 円周歩行中の頭部と眼球の協調運動. バイオメカニズム学会誌 28: 34-40.
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  6. 平崎鋭矢 (2004) サルのロコモーションを調べる. バイオメカニズム学会誌 28: 2-7.


  1. Hirokawa Y, Kumakura H. (2003) Functional analysis of the thigh muscles during locomotion in the garnet galago (Galago garnetti). Anthropological Science 111: 187-201.
  2. 平崎鋭矢. (2003) 木登り運動と直立二足歩行の進化. 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科紀要 29: 127-143.


  1. Nakano Y. (2002) The effects of substratum inclination on locomotor patterns in primates. Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Anthropologie 83: 189-199.
  2. 熊倉博雄・中野良彦・平崎鋭矢 (2002) 胸鎖乳突筋の機能形態学的研究-頭頸部の姿勢制御に関連して-. 木村(編)歩行の進化と老化 pp. 71-88.


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  1. Hirasaki E, Kumakura H, Matano S. (2000) Biomechanical analyses of vertical climbing of Ateles geoffroyi and Macaca fuscata. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 113: 455-472.
  2. 平崎鋭矢 (2000) 歩行中の頭部と視線の安定は如何にしてなされるか. バイオメカニズム 15: 107-118.
  3. 平崎鋭矢 (2000) 歩行中の視線安定を維持する頭部運動と眼球運動. 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科紀要 26: 177-193.